There's Still Time to Order with the FMES Little Caesar's Fundraiser!

Dinner? Done!

Have any meal at the ready this holiday season! With Little Caesar's Kits, you can have a freezer stash of cheese or pepperoni pizzas, crazy bread, cookie dough, and even personal pan pizza kits! Unlike many shipped goods this season, Little Caesars kits are not being impacted by supply chain kerfuffles--your order will be at your specified address within approximately 7-14 days of your order. Kits are $18.99-$20.99, and shipping is $7.99 per two kits; our PTA earns $6 per kit sold. Dinner done, and fundraising accomplished! Pizza for your table, and more fun activities and enhancing equipment for our kids and school. Order directly here! Orders close on December 22, but are open and ready to process today!

What's an even bigger way to fundraise for our school? Think you can get Grandma or Auntie Maggie to buy some pizza kits? We would love it if you use your child's joyful presence to share our sales sites--create your own sales site here if you would like to forward it to friends and family, and thank you so much in advance!

Any questions contact Emily Chappell at