Parent Information Relating to Special Education

All these opportunities are FREE unless noted.

Todos estos eventos son GRATUITOS excepto donde se indique. 

In most cases you must register if registration information is provided.

When other events become available they will be posted at:

Plan Ahead — Dads Parenting Group

Wednesdays, Sep. 6 to Dec. 6, 6:00-8:30 pm

Hone your Father Skills by meeting with other Dads to focus on self-awareness, self-care, parenting skills and relationship skills.

Pre-Register:  or Bennie Herron 703-324-7308

Plan Ahead — Nurturing Parents — In Spanish 

Planifica con anticipación — Padres cariñosos — con niños de 5 a 11 años

Miércoles, del 9 de septiembre al 20 de diciembre, Messiah UMC, Rolling Rd. Springfield,   sorteos y premios semanales

Las familias aumentan su empathia, encuentran nuevas formas de promover un comportamiento apropiado, desarrollar las autoestima, y appender a divertirse juntos. 

Registrarse:  Augustina Bravo  703-324-7196

Plan Ahead —Circle of Security —  For parents with children 0-5

Mondays Sep. 11 to Oct. 30, 6:30-8:00 pm

Create stronger and more secure relationships with your children to keep them from harm.


Plan Ahead — Miracle League of Alexandria Baseball

Wed. Sep. 13, 4:30 pm,  Season opens 

This program accommodates children with mental or physical disabilities to play baseball. Special field, equipment, and rules.


Plan Ahead — Strengthening Families —in Spanish

Familias Fuertes — Grupo de padres y jóvenes (10-13 años) 

Cada miércoles 5:30-8:00 pm,  20 de septiembre al 8 de noviembre  Annandale HS 4700 Medford Dr. Annandale

Las familias pueden volverse más unidas y felices a través de discusiones, juegos, dramatizaciones y proyectos familiares.  


Special Topics in Raising Your Challenging Child (Buffet)

One or more Wednesdays, Sep. 6 to Nov. 22, 9:30-10:30 am

Video course plus group discussion on neurodiversity, ADHD, autism, anxiety, eating, or sleeping concerns, etc.  $$ varies

Sep. 6: ADHD Part I, Helping Your Child with Medication

Sep. 13: ADHD Part II, Problems with Medication

Sep. 20: Anxiety Part I, Child-Centered Approaches

Sep. 27: Anxiety Part II, Parent-Centered Approaches


Dispute Resolution Options in Special Education

Wed. Sep. 6, 6:30-8:00 pm

Learn about the various dispute resolution options, how they work, and when it may be best to use a specific option. 


Interfaith Survivor Support Forum —for adults

Wed. Sep. 6, 7-9 pm

Learn from survivors and child safety educators to help make our community a safer place for children.


Visionary Voices:  Introducing Raising a Kid Who Can

Thu. Sep. 7, 9:00-10:20 am

The authors will introduce their book including science-backed and experience-based tips for how to build motivation and adaptability.


Tech Team Thursday

Thu. Sep. 7, noon-1 pm

Learn about a free service that creates custom apps to help your child with activities of daily living and safety.


Secure Act 2.0
Fri. Sep. 8, 10:00-11:30 am
Learn about provisions in the Secure Act 2.0 that allow IRAs and other retirement savings to be left to people with disabilities.


New School Year, New Strategies: How to Plan, Persist, and Achieve Academic Success This Year

Fri. Sep. 8, 10:00-11:30 am

Uncover strategies to instill a positive family outlook and greater confidence in your child at the start of the school year.


Parents of Autistic Children Back-to-School Meeting

Sat. Sep. 9, 10 am-noon, W. Springfield Gov. Ctr. Springfield

Meet with FCPS Dept. of Special Services administrators to raise your concerns about educational services.


No More Nagging: How to Improve Communication with Your ADHD Child

Mon. Sep 11, 1-2 pm

Gain the tools you need to build a stronger, more supportive bond with your ADHD child, leading to a happier family dynamic.


Navigating State Support and Live-in Caregivers

Tue. Sep. 12, noon

An experienced parent and industry experts will share practical advice on this way to care for family members to age of 25.


Nurturing Motivation and Resilience in Children and Teens with ADHD

Tue. Sep. 12, 1-2 pm

Adopt a strength-based approach that highlights each child and adolescent’s interests and “islands of competence.”


The Baffling IEP Maze

Tue. Sep. 12, 7:30 pm

Gain strategies to navigate the IEP process while avoiding a breakdown of trust with your child’s school.


Fall Registration for Therapeutic Recreation (for ages 6-22)

Begins Wed. Sep. 13

Social clubs, a cooking program, art or music activities, interest groups, and sports teams.


Screen Time and Social Engagement of Autistic Children

Wed. Sep. 13, 1 pm

Learn about emerging research on the impact of screen time on social engagement of autistics during early childhood development.


Common Treatment Barriers for Patients with Depression, Trauma

Wed. Sep. 13, 1 pm

Aimed at doctors, helpful for parents.  Become aware of how to avoid communication barriers for mental health diagnoses and treatment. 


Medicaid Waivers: Tools for Independent Living and Employment

Thu. Sep. 14. 11 am

Learn what Waivers are, the services they offer, how to apply, and tips for families on waiting lists for services.


Managing Your Child's Excessive Screen Time and Gaming

Thu. Sep. 14, 1-2 pm

Make informed decisions to create a balanced approach to screen use for your child and your family.


Talk Saves Lives

Thu. Sep. 14, 7-8 pm

Suicide can be prevented. Learn how by recognizing common risk factors and warning signs, and learn how to respond. 


Meet the Author Series: The Self-Driven Child by Dr. William Stixrud

Fri. Sep. 15, 10:00-11:15 am

Develop your child’s resilience via a healthy mental life, decision making skills, and help dealing with stressful situations.


A Parent's Guide to Study Skills and Organization for Students with ADHD

Fri. Sep. 15, 1-2 pm

Learn practical strategies to empower you to support your ADHD student’s study skills and organization. 


Characteristics and Needs of Twice-Exceptional (2e) Learners

Tue. Sep. 19, 10:00-11:30 am

Twice-exceptional (2e) students have atypical learning strengths and weaknesses.  Find out how to support them.


Youth Mental Health First Aid — Course for Adults

Wed. Sep.. 20, 8 am-5 pm,  $25

Learn the risk factors and warning signs of mental health challenges in youth, their potential impact, and how to respond.


What Educators Don’t Know About ADHD (and Need To)

Wed. Sep. 20, 1 pm, with replay link

Learn facts and fallacies about ADHD, how to recognize it at school, andaccommodations that help students with ADHD.


Disability Benefits: VA’s Medicaid Waivers

Wed. Sep. 20, 5-6 pm 

Virginia provides some disability services via Medicaid Waivers.  Learn how the system works, and what to expect.


Stares, Glares and Harmful Words

Thu. Sep. 21, 10 am

Let’s share strategies to educate, sensitize and react to unwanted attention from others toward our children.


NAMI Northern Virginia Mental Health Festival and Walk

Sat. Sep. 23, 10 am-2 pm, GMU 4441 George Mason Blvd, Fairfax

Promote awareness of and celebrate recovery from mental illness; reduce stigma, and learn about community mental health resources.


Talk Saves Lives

Sun. Sep. 24, 4-5 pm

Suicide can be prevented. Learn how by recognizing common risk factors and warning signs, and learn how to respond. 


REVIVE! Training — in Spanish

¡REANIMAR! Capacitación

Lunes, 25 de septiembre 1-2 pm

Aprenda qué hacer en una situación de sobredosis, cómo administrar naloxona y qué hacer después. Se pueden proporcionar suministros.


From Referral to Eligibility: What It Takes to Get Through the Door

Wed. Sep. 27, 7-8 pm

Learn how to start the process to access special education by submitting a referral and with an evaluation to determine eligibility.


Epigenetics: Understanding Its Role in ADHD and Future Applications

Thu. Sep. 28, noon, with replay link

Epigenetics controls the development of traits such as ADHD, and in the future may allow for changes in treatment.


Who's the Boss? 5 Ways for Families to Help Kids with Big Emotions

Fri. Sep. 29, 10:00-11:30 am

Gain ways to help your children tame their overwhelming emotions.


Children’s Challenging Behaviors

Sat. Sep. 30, 9 am-3 pm, 13505 Hillendale Dr. Woodbridge,

Learn about the range of behaviors, when and how to seek help, important parenting strategies and community resources. Childcare.


Ongoing and On Demand

Back-to-School ADHD Master Class — Self-Guided Course

This 10-part multimedia course has modules on accommodations, executive functions, behavior challenges, homework, etc. 


The Arc@School Advocacy Curriculum    $99 for 6 months

Build your special education knowledge, know the law, and learn to advocate for the services your child needs.  Scholarship:


Dyslexia & the IEP: How to Make Sure the IEP Is in Tip-Top Shape


NAMI Basics

This 6-session course is for adults who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms (including ADHD and ASD).


Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training

Learn about special education law, rights and responsibilities; tests to measure progress and regression; SMART IEPs; and strategies for effective advocacy.    $50-$90


Advanced Training in Collaborative & Proactive Solutions   

Participants will learn how to use the ALSUP assessment and how to solve problems collaboratively.   $149


The Parent Playbook — 9 Module Online Course on Autism

From the VCU Autism Center for Excellence & Virginia Autism Council. An introduction on Autism Spectrum Disorder for families, including tips for caregivers, characteristics, interventions and recommended programs and services.


Two 9-1-1 Pre-Notification Programs Are Now Available

Both allow prior registration so that first responders will be aware of the special needs of individuals at the scene.

Fairfax County Emergency Health Profiles

Ongoing medical and behavioral health conditions can be included, along with emergency contact information.

Fairfax County Community Connect

The special needs of individuals, and information about pets and your residence can be included with emergency contacts.

Community Support Groups for Parents

All these support groups are open to newcomers, and they are free, except where noted.  No diagnosis is required to participate.  Participants are typically given the opportunity to share their story, experience support, and glean guidance (as desired) from group members regarding both community and school resources.  Confidentiality is to be respected.

AAC Parent Group meets occasionally on Saturdays.  Contact:  Amanda or 703-941-7757 ext. 316

African American Culturally Focused Virtual Parent Café meets Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm.  Register at least 24 hours in advance by email or 703-324-7720 

Alpha Moms  This support group for adoptive parents meets monthly in McLean.  Contact:

Arlington Epilepsy Support Group, a list-serve, can be accessed at

Autism Dads meets one evening monthly.  Contact:  George Buzby at 571-419-1257 or

Autism Society of NoVA Parents and Caregivers meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7-8 pm via Zoom. Meeting ID: 946 600 1682; One tap mobile (301) 715-8592


Autism Society of NoVA padres y proveedores de cuidado del grupo de apoyo en españo se reúne el segundo sábado de cada mes de 1 a 2 pm en ServiceSource, 10467 White Granite Dr. Oakton.  Estacione en la parte de atrás. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a .

Business Networking Event for Special Needs Parents

Alternate Fridays, May 29 and following, 9:00-10:30 am Via Zoom.  Connect with fellow special needs parents and business owners, build your referral network, and share best practices.  Contact: 

Cafés Virtuales Para Padres:  Miércoles de 7:00-8:30 pm.  Regístrese con al menos 24 horas de anticipación: o 703-324-7720 

CHADD: Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Alexandria CHADD Parent Support Group  4th Mon. of each month at 6:30 pm.  Contact:  Susan,  or call 303-903-9972.

  • West Fairfax/Burke CHADD Parent Support Group  1st & 3rd Thur. of each month at 8:00 pm Contact:  Cathy,  

CSB Family Support Group at Gatlan Center  2nd and 4th Wed. of each month 6:00-7:30 pm via Zoom Contact: or call 703-799-2882.

D.A.D.S.  Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome 3rd Tue. each month, 7-9 pm via Zoom.  Contact:  George or call 703- 545-6089.

Dr. Dan’s Support Group for Parents Raising Challenging Children meets via Zoom on Mondays, 1-2 pm, Register:

Embark in the DC Metro Parent Support Group is for parents of children and youth with mental health challenges.  It meets virtually on alternate Thursdays, noon-1 pm.  Register:

Fairfax Juvenile Court Parent Support for problems including runaway behavior, truancy, alcohol/drug abuse, and serious behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community. Sign up for a phone consultation at

Family F.I.R.S.T. Fridays Autism Support Group meets on the 1st Friday monthly, noon-12:45 at Gum Spring Library 24600 Millstream Dr. Stone Ridge

Formed Families Together hosts monthly peer support groups for adoptive, kinship, and foster caregivers and parents. Virtual support group meets the 1st Sunday evening monthly. In-Person support group meets the 3rd Wednesday evening monthly. Register:

Foster the Family Support Group for foster and adoptive moms meets the 3rd Monday of each month, 6:30-8:00 pm in Falls Church. Childcare is provided. Register:

Grupo de educación y apoyo a padres en español se reúne el cuarto sábado de cada mes, de 10 a 11 am en Zoom en ID de reunión: 946 600 1682

Grupo de apoyo para madres de habla hispana de niños con autismo se reúne mensualmente en línea y está patrocinado por Johns Hopkins Medical Center.   Contacto:

Hablemos educación especial es un grupo de discusión de padres de habla hispana y de un estudiante autista. Se reúnen virtualmente el primer miércoles de cada mes de 7:00-7:45 pm  Registrarse:

Infinity ABA Parent Connect, for families with a child with autism, meets online on the 2nd Thursday monthly at 7:00-8:30 pm.  Guest speakers, discussions, and resources. Register:

Kinship Café meets online 6:30-8:00 pm the 3rd Thursday of the month for those raising the children of relatives and friends. To attend, call 703-324-7720 or email .

Military Families Support Group meets the 3rd Tuesday monthly at 7-8 pm for families of all disabled dependents.  Access: OR Email for details 

NAMI:  National Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for affected families.  

Arlington Parent Support Group meets two Sundays a month at 7:00-8:30 pm.  Contact:  Michelle Best

NAMI Family Support Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays on Zoom for parents of children living with mental health challenges including ADHD, ASD, etc. 

NAMI Parent & Caregiver Support Group meets on the 4th Thursday monthly. Email or call 804-285-1749 

NOVA Adopt Friends Parent Peer Support Group for adoptive parents meets on the 3rd Thursdays monthly 6:00-7:30 pm. Zoom:  

OCD Family Support Group meets the 1st Mon. of each month, 7:30 pm.  Contact:   or  call 202-215-5859

Parent Café (for all Fairfax County parents and guardians) meets via Zoom in English on Mon., 7:45-9:15 pm, and en español, miércoles, 7:00-8:30 pm.  Register at least 24 hours in advance by email or 703-324-7720  

Parents of Autistic Children (POAC-NOVA) Support Group meets in-person the 1st Saturday monthly at 10:00-11:30 am. RSVP to to RSVP and learn the current location.

People of the Global Majority is a discussion group for BIPOC parents of children with autism.  They meet virtually on the 1st Monday monthly at 7:00-7:45 pm.  Register:

REACH Parent Support Group meets monthly to support parents of individuals with developmental disabilities who also have mental health or behavioral issues.  Contact:  Dr. Pourmand health

Virginia Family Network Book Club for parents and caregivers of children living with mental health challenges meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7 pm. Contact Nicole Anjum at .