REMINDER | General PTA Meeting is THIS THURSDAY, Sept 21st!

Please join us on Thursday, September 21st, for the first general PTA meeting of the 23/24 school year! This meeting will take IN-PERSON ONLY at 7pm in the FMES Library.

We will have a special guest speaker, Stephanie Alger, the FMES Technology Specialist. Mrs. Alger will dive into Schoology, Student Links, and other technology resources available to you and your student. Come and learn more about these valuable resources and ask any questions you have!

Need to bring your little ones along? No problem! We’ll have a quiet activity corner for our youngest friends. See you next Thursday!

Not a member of the PTA? Not a problem, any parent/guardian who has a child currently attending FMES is welcome to join the meetings. However, only members who have paid for the 23/24 school year will be able to vote. To become a member, please visit and join the PTA today, your voice is important!