Love math? Join the Math Olympiad Club for its inaugural session this fall!

Love math?  Join the Math Olympiad Club for its inaugural session this fall!  Math Club will meet Mondays, 3:45-4:45pm, from 10/16 through 12/11.  Registration priority is to 6th graders; registration opens on 9/25 at 

P4SS Math Olympiad Club

(Registration will open to 5th grade on 9/27, and 4th grade on 9/29--this is a correction to the flyer!!; membership is limited to 4th-6th grades.)  

Want to know more about what we'll do? 

The Math Olympiad Club is for students with a genuine interest in math that are looking to explore creative problem-solving techniques, experience new mathematical concepts, and participate in elementary school math competitions. Club sessions will involve volunteer instruction on problem solving techniques for common math competition problems, collaborative student problem solving, student presentation of solutions, and math games. Club members will participate in elementary math competitions including the Math Olympiad, Virginia Math League, and Noetic Math Contest. These will be written contests proctored during club sessions at Fox Mill approximately once per month.

For more information, contact